Scope of Work

Sequence lighting and compositing rig setup and final completion of all shots. Shot work on multiple sequences. 

Tasks of note

  • Developed the sequence look for the characters and the environment according to Artistic Direction. The sequence was set in Paris and had a complex city and crowd layering setup. 
  • Helped develop Tip's look where she finally finds her mother. The sequence also had a special lighting and compositing treatment because of extreme depth of field.


Lighting the Boov-ships was an interesting challenge because of the complex light behavior of a bubble. It was also important to cheat the reflections so as to maintain clarity of the character acting inside the bubble.

The shot where Tip finally finds her mother in a crowd had a very shallow depth of field with only the mother in focus. A lot of this had to be accomplished through defocus cheats in Nuke. Since the crowd characters were moving around her , it made it challenging to have them walk in and out of focus believably and without creating 2D artifacts.

Fun Fact

A frame from one of my shots (see banner image) was picked for the cover art of Rihanna's "Towards the Sun" single.

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All images © 2015 DreamWorks Animation Studios